Monday, March 05, 2007

Happy 3rd Birthday Nicolaas

Wow!! Time sure goes fast! I just turned 3 on Saturday! Happy Birthday to Me! I sadly asked Mommy why I would never be 2 again. But we all grow up and get older I guess. I woke up and when Mommy said happy birthday I was excited that it was finally the day. I helped Mommy bake my cake and ice it, now I was excited to finally eat it!!
We decided to have a Lightening McQueen theme party. This cake was Mack, the truck that carried McQueen. I love trucks and trailers. I love to drive my little orange car around downstairs and pretend I am Lightening McQueen. Noel always chases me in the little red car. Mommy has to pull him with a rope... (a.k.a Daddy's housecoat belt.) But the best of all, was Daddy came home from Philadelphia. He was home in the wee hours of the morning, 4 am!! Not so fun! He was stuck there b/c of the bad weather in Toronto. Mommy had us boys on her own from Monday to Saturday. Daddy was supposed to come home on Thursday already. Mommy and Daddy even missed their 5 year Anniversary on Friday. But at least Daddy was safe in a hotel across the country. Any how, we had such a fun day. Daddy made my new puzzle with me in the morning, and then I got to play with my new 24 colours of play dough. Then we went mini-golfing!! It was so much fun. A few of my friends, Haylie, Avery, and Matthew, along with Great Grandpa, Oma and Aunty Heather, met us there. I had been once before, and now I could wack at that ball like a pro! I think I am going to be a pro golfer like Opa Arnoldussen. I only threw my ball in to the water a few times. I even got a hole in one!! Otherwise I would hit at the ball a few times and move it closer to the hole. Right on Par. Noel tried golfing too. But he was mostly interested in holding the ball and trying to throw it.
When we got back home some more friends joined us. Stefan, Katrina and Tyler and Opa. Jonah came and even brought his brand new, 3 day old, sister!! So cute! I wonder if my little sister will be that tiny too?? Thank you everyone for coming, and making my day so special!

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