Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Puppies For Sale

Noel loves to snuggle the pups.
Dylan is enamored with the puppies. Everytime we mention puppies, he runs to the garage door and grabs his shoes, sits on the step so I can put on the shoes, and say "Tee-ah Tee-ah woof, eeeee, 0oooooh" (Tierra is still his favourtie!)Nicolaas has been very helpful with the puppies. I will get the link set up on the side of the blog.. i just have to get Dennis to help me. :o)

Sunday, October 05, 2008

A Very Late Birthday Post..

Dylan turned one in the end of June. Wow that year went by fast!!! We had a few parties for him. One on his actual birthday in Lethbridge. He had the baby measles that day, so it wasn't the happiest day for him.. poor kid.(Katrina made this picture look so cool.. thanks)
When Derek and Danielle came from Toronto, we had a family party for Dylan in August. I LOVE summer parties! We had a blast in the back yard! The boys thought it would be neat to make Thomas the Tank Engine train for Dylan's birthday cake. Well, as I got ready to ice it, I realized I only had a few drops of blue food colouring left. After trying to make blue, we ended up with only a yucky green. So Nicolaas decided that Percy the train was green.. we added lots more green and... Percy became Dylan's cake! I love how it turned out. The boys wanted to help so bad. So I made a separate cake, and cut it into the trailers. They were able to decorate their own cake. Nicolaas' was the coal car. Noel's trailer was the zoo car. I think Noel used all the jube-jubes in one spot! They had great fun using the icing bag. I didn't mind what they looked like.. they were the coolest trains ever... they were so proud of their own creation!Dylan went straight for Percy's eyes..
I was hoping for one of those 'chocolate-covered-kid' shots, but he didn't make much of a mess.Dylan is the best gift ever. Happy Birthday sweet boy...

Fun in Lethbridge

It was great to see everyone one in Lethbridge in the beginning of September. Even though it was a heart breaking reason to go.. My friends in Calgary had lost another baby, at 21weeks, and Natalie and I went up to the funeral.
Dylan going for a walk with Oma Arnoldussen.
Wading in the river.. it was such a hot day!The boys all had so much fun at Aunty Evelyn's playing with Josh... thank you again Evelyn!
Dylan getting wet.. but having so much fun!
Trying on the deer horns at the Nature Center. The antlers were the actual weight, and were heavy!You are the cutest deer I ever saw Dylie bear!

Poses with the Roses

Individual shots by my roses in August.

Camping in Meota

We had a blast camping with Mom and Dad Van Ee over the September long w/e. The weather was cold but we had fun!The neighbour in Metoa grew some produce for Mom V. Very sweet neigbours!
There were hundreds of apples that were picked off the tree. We spent an afternoon making applesause.
Out to pick chokecherries. They were abundant! Dennis is in the process of making his own chokecherry wine!
Having a hoot with Opa and Oma Van Ee
Captain Dylan.
Our serene boat ride.
Three Van Ee generations..
Sword fight anyone???
Hey what's with the long faces??
Now that's more like it!
Getting the snowmobiles ready for use this winter!
The boys were tired out after all the fun they had and fell asleep watching a movie.