Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Puppies For Sale

Noel loves to snuggle the pups.
Dylan is enamored with the puppies. Everytime we mention puppies, he runs to the garage door and grabs his shoes, sits on the step so I can put on the shoes, and say "Tee-ah Tee-ah woof, eeeee, 0oooooh" (Tierra is still his favourtie!)Nicolaas has been very helpful with the puppies. I will get the link set up on the side of the blog.. i just have to get Dennis to help me. :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay - new pictures! Great to see your handsome little men and their birthday pictures. And those puppies have the cutest faces. I'll bet they'll find homes quickly. :o)
