Monday, February 11, 2008

Nose Surgery Anyone?

Okay, I know you all are wondering about the gauze taped to my nose. I do look a dreadful sight... I tell you I felt the way I looked... TERRIBLE! I had my deviated septum fixed, and little spur shaved off my bone. It was poking in my sinus and causing a lot of mucous and eye irritation. I also had a old scar for, my tonsillectomy cut and fixed as well. Double whammy! There was a cancellation, and I was in with in 4 months! I think that is a record time! They were right that I would be a couch potatoe for a week.. I was totally out of it. It felt like someone took a sludge hammer to my nose.... At least I didn't bruise b/c it was an internal fix. I couldn' t lift more than 10 lbs.. poor Noelie.. didn't now what happened to his Mommy. Thank you to all that brought meal. We appreciated your thoughtfulness. Of course a BIG thank you to my most amazing husband, for being like a 'single' parent for a week... I appreciate all your work. I couldn't have survived the days with out having Mom V, Juanita and Danielle coming and looking after my brood for me... I love you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry I couldn't be there to help!! So thankful you have a mother-in-law here who is great for our daughter! Thanks Caroline! God bless you! MOM A