Dylan's happy smile at 4 months.. and Yes to all you who replied to the Who's Who in the Zoo. You are all good at guessing.Checkin' out the trains with his brothers. (5 months) They all love playing together. Dylan loves his toys, and everything has to be brought to the mouth for the taste test. The last time Dylan was weighed was Nov 22.. at 14lbs 4oz and 25in long...(5mo) Dylan's favourites. His blankie and monkey. In that order too. He's such a sweet easy going boy. The toes aren't the only thing Dylan is eating. He loves his rice cereal and bananas. Just this week he's started on peas. Solid foods here we come!I still supplement Dylan with formula as well... and he's doing pretty good on his sippy cup. He likes the bottle at nights though. I'm so blessed to have Dylan sleeping till 7-7:30 in the morning. The mornings Dylan sleeps till 8 are the mornings I can't fall back to sleep after the other two boys woke me up.. But hey. Who am I to complain? I get sleep!
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