Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Twin Cousins

Well, it's been a while since we blogged you. But we are enjoying having our cousin Tyler here twice a week. Noel and Tyler are pretty much twins, and they have so much fun together. It's neat how much they look alike. Tyler is walking already, so he is setting a good example for Noel to follow. I think that our wagon rides are over till next year now. It's probably a good thing though. Noel and Tyler thought that trying to hang OUTSIDE of the wagon was better than nicely sitting on their bottoms. But they were fun while it lasted.

We had loads of snow today so hopefully we can all go out for a sled ride tomorrow. Possibly Mommy could hook Tierra up to the sled and we can have a 'free' ride. Mommy thinks we would all land in the snow head first if the dog pulled us. I (Nicolaas) made a sorta snowman with Mommy, but the snow wasn't very sticky. Besides the dog kept racing around and tearing into our 'snow man' and trying to eat his nose. Well maybe she will like to chew on a carrot instead of Mommy's Malus Crab Apple tree and the Cedars. She literally chewed the tree down to the ground. I guess she thought if there were no sticks, she'd find some. Well all the trees are burlaped now, and covered in snow.
Mommy is also excited that Noel has finally mastered signing 'more'. He waves his his hands together and smiles.... so proud of himself. Noel has taken to snuggling the floor too. When ever he wanted Mommy or Daddy to pick him up he will put his head to the floor and curl up in a round ball. Such a cutey. I make sure he has his elephant at all times now. I am trying to make him super attached to 'Peanut' as I have named him, just like I love my puppy.
Noel has taken to standing up on things all the time. When we came back from Lethbridge he thought standing in his crib was the greatest trick. Only problem? He couldn't get down! He learned that in a big hurry!