Tierra has attatched herself to Mommy, so if anyone else is holding her leash, she pretty much drags them to get over to Mom. Mommy has been having fun trying to teach me to take care of Tierra. I get to feed her and give her treats. I make her "siiit..siiit...siiit.. then staaaaaay...staaaay... good girlul... and even if she is listening I make her wait longer. Mommy tells me not to make her wait so long.. poor dog. She is drooling so bad by the time I drop her food in, that she has pretty much filled up Mommy's sandel on the patio. We always take her out ot the backalley to do her business. I make sure that I tell her to go poop, and then proceed to hunker down and watch her. Poor dog has no privacy. She loves playing fetch too. I through her red ball for her. She doesn't always like to drop it for me, but she does give it eventually. We left it out for her and she must have been mad we weren't playing.. so she chewed the ball to bits and ate some of it! Mommy even found the evidence in the back alley! Mommy sees me outside all the time playing with Tierra. Noel loves her too. He starts bouncing up and down and touches her nose. Tierra always licks him... Mommy and Daddy always get a laugh out of me. Last morning (as I always say)I was playing with Noel in my room while Mommy and Daddy were trying to sleep in a bit.. (6 o'clock is pretty early sometimes)Mommy almost split a gut. She overheard me telling Noel "siiit..siiiit...siiit...staaay...staaaay...good boy Noel, Good boy! Go get it Noel!!!" Mommy had to tell me my brother wasn't a dog, and I am sure didn't want to play fetch. I our mosy favourite thing to do though, is go for walks. Mommy would take us almost everyday in the bike stroller to the 'lakes' (a.k.a. big ponds)here in Martensville. Tierra loves to swim and play fetch! I get to throw the ball for her, but she doesn't get much exercise.. Mine drops right at the edge of the water usually, or in her mouth... Then she proceeds to dance up and down with excitement and get us all muddy and wet. But she is starting to listen pretty good to me. Mommy is trying to teach her to watch us boys. One day she will. She would rather follow Mommy around though. She takes my tricks. Mommy found me covering her with sand one day. (poor dog) She was sadly just looking at me. ummmm I don't think I will do that again. Mommy wasn't too happy.
The other day Daddy went to get his breakfast and he heard Tierra crying. Silly dog was stuck under the shed!!! She loves to dig (Yep Henriette she digs here too :o)) but I don't mind b/c it hasn't been in any of my flower beds (yet). She had been digging under the shed for a while and Mommy had to pull her out once before with her leash. Mommy thought that would have cured her.. Nope!! Maybe she was just trying to get out of the rain. But she was stuck pretty good. Daddy had to dig her out in the pouring rain! Well that didn't work, so he had to get the jack out and lift the shed! Crazy dog! I think the next step is her doghouse. Daddy already made her a kennel on the side of the house with concrete blocks on the ground so she can't dig under the fence to the other dog.. Well, hopefully one day we can get some puppies from her. We will forever be indebted to the Indenbosches for such a wonderful addition to our family.

oh, what a BEAUTIFUL dog!!! Maybe she'll have to come have a play date with our new dog....does she like other dogs?
(and then they can dig together...our girl made it half way to china the other day, right in the middle of the lawn, sigh).
Thanks Lynette.. What type of dog is yours? Tierra doesn't mind dogs, but she gets really possesive. She didn't 'play' too well with my cousins dog at their place. We had to tie her up, or poor Mickey would have been assaulted in her own yard. We would love ot gett ogether soemtiem though.. How was your summer? I lost the connection to your blog when we got our new computer... sorry.
we have a husky shepherd cross....she's also not super great with other dogs, takes a bit of time for her to get used to them. But maybe they can help socialize each other...
you can find me at lynettie.blogspot.com
lol. I cant believe she got stuck under your shed!!! Crazy! You guys are such patient owners... Im so happy she is with you.
also, just commenting on ur comments ;) you may already have noticed that Tierra loves to chase dogs (esp. if they are smaller than her) but she has only tried to fight dogs that threatened her first. So if there is a dog that gets along with dogs, she is likely to get along with that dog.
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