Wednesday, June 21, 2006

All Smiles

Well, hello there. It's me Noelsters. Mom thought she'd help me type this one out. I am 6 months old already, but I have a little trouble using the key board yet. My skill in the keyboard area consists of leaning forward, and proceeding to suck on any key that is near by. Daddy does want a new computer one day, but I think my chewing it up won't help. I think some teeth are working their way out, but I still have nothing to show! I love it when Mommy feeds me pablum tho. I can chew on the spoon!! Oh yes, that orange stuff they call carrots?? Well, I wasn't too sure about them at first, but now I love them!! I open my mouth wide and just grin at Mom every time she puts a spoonful in. Little does she know that I am hoping she will leave the spoon long enough for me to gum it down... hmmm
I am slowly making my way around the living room. I have mastered the rolling, and the other day Daddy found me by the book table having a great taste of one of those. Except cardboard isn't the greatest tasting stuff... I have it figured out when Mommy and Daddy put me under my play tent or in my chair that I am going to have to wait for something... I don't mind playing, but it sure is better when my big brother Nicolaas is there to entertain me. He sure is good at that. When I wake up, Nicolaas comes bouncing in my room like a tigger and boos me. I giggle and giggle and then proceed to continue smiling.. and then he disappears... I guess when I can run, I will chase him around the house. Daddy 'helps' me chase Nicolaas and boo him too. I love having a big brother... I know he loves me too!
Mommy and Daddy say that I am such a friendly happy little guy. When ever I see them I break into smiles.. I guess I want then to know that I love them so much!
It's so fun when I get to go to the park with Nicolaas. We ride in the bike stroller together... I think Nicolaas' glasses, helmet and juice cup are pretty great... I am working at getting them away from him, but I haven't quite mastered it yet.. Even though Nicolaas lets me do what ever I want, Mommy is always reminding me to play with my stuffed lion.. well.. I think glasses are much better! Especially when they come off of Nicolaas! The best part is when we get to the park. I love going in the swing and 'catching' Nicolaas when he comes down the slide. He says he likes to do it himself, but I think it's fun... We went to a neat park with a wading pool yesterday! I put my feet in the water, but I wasn’t too sure about it. I can’t wait to go to the the lake!!
Well, I guess that’s about all for my story now.. my elephant Awesie (Nicolaas used to call elephants that) and I will type again some day..
I love you all. Nicolaas says hi too.. We are both sleeping right now.. but Mommy can read our minds. (She thinks) :o)
With lots of love and slobbery kisses,

1 comment:

Elina said...

aw he is so cute!!!! What a sweet baby. Sounds like so much fun :)