Monday, April 07, 2008

Kellogg's Kids

Corn Flakes anyone? Dennis' Dad grew up in a family of 10 siblings. Dennis' youngest Aunt Sue remembers how every Sunday, cornflakes was a treat. If you didn't make it down for breakfast in time.. the cornflakes were gone! For Dylan's baby gift she gave three old fashioned cornflake bowls... (hard to see them very well in the picture) So Aunt Sue, this picture is for you! The boys had a hoot throwing cornflakes all over the living room floor. (I had meant for them to throw them on the blanket.) They were too busy eating all the cornflakes to get very many smiles...


Anonymous said...

These are so adorable! You are so creative! Can you e-mail me the 5th from the top pic? I just want to try something with it!
Dylan looks almost as big as Noel in these pics! They're growing up so fast!

Karen said...

They did turn out really cute! I love the look of the sepia pictures.

Anonymous said...

I love the new pics. Your boys are so sweet, I adore them.

Tori Fehr said...

Oooohh, these would be so fun to scrapbook, Nicole, and you've got such a neat story to go along with it. What a creative idea. Your boys are so adorable!

Juanita said...

What a great idea!

Tim and Annalisa Sawatzky said...

new post, NEW post, NEW POST!!!!!! Not trying to be rude....I just want to see some new photos. Make sure you're in one too.
